Dairy Museum at NC State

The cow graphic was enlarged to create an interactive exhibit which demonstrates a cow's digestive system.
Photo from https://howlingcow.ncsu.edu/
Samples of vector illustrations I created using Illustrator. Click the project to jump to that section.
- Dairy Museum: Exhibit panels made in collaboration with Design Dimension, Inc.
- Hominid Hustle Board Game: Illustrations I did for a mobile app and board game alongside designer Jasper Stephenson.
- Brainstorm Brew: A concept I created for a brewery featuring some of history's famous thinkers.
- Postcard: I drew this lovely house to create a postcard for this Airbnb.
You can see some of my watercolor and ink illustrations from my sketchbook here.
You can see more of my digital illustrations on the "Infographics" page.

Hominid Hustle: Jasper and I developed the concept together. I illustrated the elements and he designed the mobile app and the typography. He also edited the concept video in which I played a starring role.

Video created by Jasper Stephenson. He animated my illustrations to create an engaging app promo video. Please don't judge my acting.
Postcard Illustration: I used Procreate to draw this Mid-Century home and designed the rest in Canva. See the entire Airbnb branding project here.